Thursday, May 23, 2013

Boppy Pillow Cover


     If you have had a baby in the past few years, chances are you own a Boppy Pillow. They have pretty much become a staple for new parents. They work well as a pillow to prop baby on during breastfeeding. They also work well to prop baby up for bottle feeding. They are good for propping baby on tummy  for tummy time. Once baby gets a bit bigger they also work great for surrounding them with a soft landing spot when they are learning to sit on their own. Since my sister is having a baby soon this was one of the must haves on her list.

     Anytime you have something that is going to be used so often with a baby, it is bound to get messy. A second cover is also very handy to have on hand for those unavoidable messes. You can certainly purchase separate covers in stores but some of them cost nearly as much as the pillow which seems a bit ridiculous if you ask me. I also wanted to personalize the cover to match my sister's nursery which will be Toy Story themed.

       I had plans of making a simple cover by making two matching sides and placing a large zipper along the top. Easy peasy as my kids would say. But of course that isn't how it happened. When I got the fabric home I realized that it wasn't quite as wide as most fabrics are and the amount I had wasn't enough to use the pattern I planned. So on to plan B. I have a Boppy Pillow of my own from when I had my 3 girls complete with girly cover. I just used that old cover to create my own pattern and it worked out great. Using that old cover the zipper placement was put across the back of the pillow instead of on the top. You can see the zipper placement in the picture below.  This pattern included 3 pieces instead of two but it still was a very simple project and I had a cute Buzz Lightyear Boppy cover when I finished.

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