Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Crochet School

       From time to time I have had individuals ask if I could give lessons on how to crochet. Currently I don't feel like I have the time or appropriate place to hold such lessons but I try to give out other options for lessons that I am aware of because I want everybody to have an opportunity to learn if it interests them.  Often in Des Moines the continuing community education schedule includes classes for crochet and even knitting. These classes usually charge a small fee and some require you to purchase materials in addition to that fee. You can check out your local community to see if something similar is offered.

  You-Tube offers instruction videos if you like to learn via video. Most craft stores sell books or even kits that teach you beginning crochet techniques. Check out your library too, which may also carry instruction books on crochet.

   However, if none of those sound appealing to you I want to bring to everybody's attention an internet course on crochet. CraftyMinx over at is hosting her own crochet school set to start on Oct. 1. It will cover the basics of crochet and is totally free. Awesome right?!! Each lesson will be available on her site so if you can't follow her scheduled course the way it is planned you can still have the information at your fingertips when it is convenient for you. Check out her site for all the details.  Just click on the picture below to head to her site.

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