Friday, October 28, 2011

Some fun hats

  I've been working on some fun hats lately. I made a couple minion hats for a custom order.
I think they turned out really cute. I created my own pattern for them based on a picture which was a fun challenge. I did the same thing with this owl hat.

      A friend of mine has an adorable daughter who is an owl for Halloween. She had a super cute crocheted owl hat to go with her costume. Unfortunately, she lost her hat a few days before Halloween and needed a replacement quick. I'm happy I was able to help out and it was fun to try my hand at another new project.

     Finally, my daughter has been asking me for penguin hat this year for winter. I was happy to oblige. This was another one that I made up on my own and I think it will keep her cute and toasty all winter long.

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