Monday, May 6, 2013

Diaper Bag


         I haven't posted in a while but that doesn't mean I haven't done any projects. In fact, I've been working on a lot of projects lately I just haven't been able to post them because I've been saving them for a baby shower. My sister is expecting her first baby and I'm super excited. The shower was this past weekend so now that she has all the goodies in hand I can finally share them.

        This is the diaper bag I made for her. I wanted something that would be big enough to hold everything but also not so large it would break her back. This bag fit the bill well. I'm really happy with how it turned out, although I'm not sure I'd make one this same way again. Mainly just because I prefer to have sharper corners and that was hard to do with the pattern I used. By the way, if you want to try and make one yourself, I used this tutorial over at Crazy Little Projects.

        I altered this bag from the tutorial a bit. Mine is slightly wider and a bit shorter. I also added two interior pockets inside the bag. I love the blue polka dot fabric with the yellow lining. I think it's such a fun print without screaming baby bag. I used an outdoor fabric so it would be thicker and stand up to the beating that a diaper bag end up taking. As a mom of 3 myself, function is valued just as much as fashion.

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