Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chair Makeover

   It has been a while since I've posted here. I try and post fairly on my Facebook page, which you can find here. It is an easy way for me to post pictures of projects as they come up but sometimes a project just needs more explanation than what can easily go into a FB post. That is the case for this project. I did my first upholstery project! I love how it turned out. I only wish that I hadn't waited so long to actually complete it.

   I found this chair on one of my trips to Goodwill. I love shopping at Goodwill. So many things to be found that you never knew you needed. I saw it and immediately knew I had to have it. Yes, it was worn and the cushion was pretty gross looking but I saw so much potential. I'm glad I went with my gut and bought it. For $7.99 I figured even if it turned out to be a disaster, it wouldn't be a big deal.

   I headed out and bought some black spray paint and some upholstery fabric which cost me maybe a total of $12. I googled and found lots of different chair makeovers to get an idea of what I was in for and then dove it. My chair came apart fairly easily. It had some screws underneath the seat that secured the cushion to the frame. I took those out and removed the seat. There are a few different types of seats. Mine had springs underneath it that were in pretty good shape so I didn't need to replace them.

    I removed the fabric which was a heavy velour type cloth. It reminded me of the really ugly 70's couch we had growing up and was an equally unappealing color. There were tons and tons of staples holding it on but I managed to pry them all out. The great thing about the ugly fabric was that it was so thick that it actually protected the foam cushion and batting really well. It looked practically new and the cushion was still very springy and comfortable so I was able to reuse it.

    I cleaned up the frame and sanded down some rough edges before painting it. It took about 2 coats to cover it well. While it dried I recovered the cushion with my fabric and added my own ton of staples to secure it to the spring frame. Once the chair had dried completely I secured the seat back on with the screws I removed and had a brand new beautiful chair.

     It is so comfortable and looks great in my living room. This ended up being so much easier than I imagined. Partly because the chair itself was in really great shape, it just needed a little love and some vision of what it could be. 

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