Thursday, January 24, 2013

Arm Knitting

           I will openly admit that knitting is not my best talent. I still very much consider myself a beginner in the knitting world. Truth be told, double pointed needles intimidate me. I'm working on it though because I love the look that can be achieved through knitting. I also just really enjoy doing yarn crafts. Enter arm knitting.
           My friend Tammy brought this to my attention and asked if I could do it. I had never tried it but I'm not one to back down from a good challenge either. YouTube came to the rescue for instructions. I liked this  video best but there are a few others out there if you are interested in trying it out. I used a super bulky weight yarn but you could also use a worsted weight by using two strands together.  You essentially use your arms as big knitting needles. The bigger the needles the faster you can work something up so this goes super quickly. I made a scarf.

            I tried to take a picture while doing this but I'm sure you can imagine how well that went with both my arms occupied. The only other people around to take the picture for me were my napping 3 year old twins and you are some kinda crazy if you think I would wake them up for that. The after picture will just have to suffice.

1 comment:

  1. I love how the scarf looks! The link you posted taught me how to arm knit, thank you! (found your blog through Pinterest) 😊
