Monday, February 11, 2013

Cabled Hat

        I love the look of cables. To me, they are just such a classic look. Often these looks are created by knitting but my knitting skills aren't at a level where I can create cables. One day maybe, but for now I'll stick with crochet to create my cables. You can create crochet cables by using front and back post double crochet stitches. If you already have a basic understanding of how to crochet and make a double crochet I have tutorials HERE on how to make the front and back post double crochets.

       Once you can create a fpdc and bpdc you can cable. A cable is created by twisting two or more post crochets.  I used this free pattern HERE to create this hat. My hat is slightly different as I didn't follow the pattern exactly. I used a single crochet border to finish the hat and I also spaced my columns a bit differently.  I love the way it turned out though and it is a great pattern.

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