Friday, March 15, 2013

T Shirt Yarn

     Everybody has a stash of t-shirts that they no longer wear. If you don't, you are certainly better than me about cleaning out your closet regularly so good for you. The nice thing about it though, is that old t-shirts are super easy to find. So even if you are great about getting rid of things you don't wear, you surely know somebody who has some t-shirts they are willing to part with. And I just bet if you don't rub it in that your closet is much less cluttered due to your frequent purging, they will probably be happy to share them. If not hit up a few garage sales for some dirt cheap ones.

   What to do with all these t-shirts? Make t-shirt yarn! It is super easy and kind of fun too. There are a bajillion tutorials out there thanks to the internet. Pinterest, YouTube, Google, etc........ all of them have tutorials so I will spare you another one and just link one here that I found helpful. If you want a different one there are plenty of options out there. This is the one that I used.

    I made up some yarn and put it to use in a project that I'll be posting about next week. The yarn balls in the picture above are mine. I am so happy with the results and it was fun to work with something different. Not to mention using up a stash of tees that were just taking up space in my closet.

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