Wednesday, July 17, 2013

More Baby Sandals

      My new nephew Tristan is absolutely perfect. He is completely adorable and being his awesome Aunt I had to make him some goodies. I created a pair of sandals for him that you can read about here. They turned out super cute but there was a problem. Tristan is a very long baby with extra big hands and feet. You see, I made the sandals to fit an average newborn and Tristan is above average, of course. : ) His Mom and Dad tell me that it is estimated he will grow up to be around 6'5. I have to say that must come from his Daddy's side because on our side of the family we tend to be short or barely average height. Where a typical newborns feet stop, his toes begin, and he has long toes. You can see them in action here. Such a cutie! Just look at those long legs.

     There was an easy solution to that, just make him a new pair.  So I made these. Hopefully they work a lot better for him since they are quite a bit longer. I just used one of my favorite sole patterns and then improvised the tops until they looked like what I wanted. I can't wait to see him again so he can try them out.

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